After my post about re-opening, I have been receiving a lot of messages regarding new projects, or projects that do not currently have a deposit.
So I wanted to do my best to answer your questions!
At this time, I am not able to take on any new ideas or new projects. I must care for my current client list first.
I would like to be able to book some new projects in the near future.
However, there are a lot of projects that were bypassed as a result of the Covid-19 quarantine, and those projects will be receiving priority during our recovery stage.

Because of this unforeseen circumstance, the recovery time is currently undetermined, and I will do my very best to keep everyone posted on availability dates, once I know more.
Stay up to date with Instagram, and by Blog for more info. I will Update regularly in the coming months.
I do not want people to get discouraged about their tattoo plans or "throw in the towel".
This just means you have more time to sort out your likes and dislikes and get a solid idea.
I also want to add, that I don't want anyone asking special covid-discounts or anything of that nature. DO not ask for special deals of any kind. Working is still a risk, and no one is getting special treatment. (I’m sorry it has to be said… but it does, sadly)
If you are patiently waiting to book with me, I suggest using the style page as a helpful resource. I have made this page in order to help my clients with their planning as much as possible ♡
I strongly encourage practicing decisiveness.
When I have the opportunity to book or open my schedule again, any one on the fence about their ideas will likely be told to postpone their ideas until they know for sure.
(so for example if you say "I don't know if I like this, or that..." or if you decided on a color and change your mind several times in the course of 5 minutes... )
I will not have extra time to expend with “moving goal posts”, if you catch my drift.
not trying to be harsh... just being realistic about permanent art...♡
I would also like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that the second wave is yet to come… we have a long year ahead of us.
Please attempt to remain vigilant with following clean practices, so that we can get through this thing as painlessly as possible.
I feel strongly about being transparent with my clients.
If you have questions, I am happy to answer them for you.
Stay safe out there, and hopefully things will be less crazy soon-ish
